34 research outputs found

    Computational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow past a solid body

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá výpočtovým modelováním aerodynamického hluku při obtékání těles. V úvodní části diplomové práce je na vzorové úloze nasimulováno proudění kolem statického válce. Simulace jsou provedeny pro různé hustoty sítě a časový krok. Výsledky ze simulací jsou porovnány mezi sebou a bude demonstrována konvergence výsledků v závislosti na hustotě sítě. Další řešenou úlohou je výpočet aerodynamického hluku při obtékání kolem statického válce. Tato úloha je složitějšího charakteru, jelikož zde dochází k turbulentnímu proudění. Výpočet aerodynamického hluku je proveden na základě dvou přístupů, a to akustické analogie a přímé metody založené na stlačitelném proudění. V diplomové práci jsou dále uvedeny a demonstrovány vybrané modely turbulence a analyzován vliv na přesnost výpočtu aerodynamického hluku. Všechny poznatky z předchozích úloh jsou aplikovány a využity při výpočtu aerodynamického hluku při obtékání zjednodušeného modelu zpětného bočního zrcátka automobilu. Byl vytvořen rovinný (2D) a prostorový (3D) model a aerodynamický hluk je počítán pomocí Ffowcs Wiliams and Hawkings akustické analogie s DES modelem turbulence. V poslední části diplomové práce je analyzován vliv upravené geometrie zpětného bočního zrcátka na vyzařovaný hluk. Použití uchycení zrcátka vedlo k lepším aerodynamickým vlastnostem a menšímu výslednému aerodynamickému hluku.Diploma thesis is focused on computational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow past a solid body. Computation of flow around a cylinder is performed for different meshes and time steps in initial part of the thesis. Results from every computation are compared. Computation aerodynamic noise due to flow around a cylinder is simulated in other part of diploma thesis. In the second benchmark computation, turbulent models have to be considered, because flow with high Reynolds number is turbulent. Computation is based on two different ways: acoustic analogy and direct method. A few different turbulent models is described and is analyzed influence to modelling aerodynamic noise. The results and knowledge of the benchmarks computation have been used in compu-tational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow around simplified side view mirror. Surface (2D) and spatial (3D) simulations are performed. Based on computation modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow around simplified side view mirror has been designed new geometry, that aim is reduced aerodynamic noise and improved aerodynamic parameters.

    Modern methods for user authentication

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá moderními metodami autentizace uživatelů. V první části práce jsou stručně popsány protokoly, které se používají v současnosti a shrnuty jejich výhody a nevýhody. V teoretickém úvodu jsou pak rozebrány principy autentizace s nulovou znalostí, password-based protokoly a popsán návrh hašovací funkce nové generace. V praktické části jsou popsány konkrétní implementace autentizačních protokolů - Ohta-Okamoto protokol jako zástupce protokolů s nulovou znalostí a SRP (Secure Remote Password), který zastupuje password-based protokoly. V obou případech je popsán postup instalace, proveden rozbor jejich implementace na úrovni zdrojových kódů a ten následně porovnán s přenášenými daty zachycenými programem Wireshark. U protokolu SRP je provedeno ověření bezpečnosti nástrojem AVISPA. V závěru je u obou protokolů shrnuta bezpečnostní analýza.The main focus of Master’s thesis is modern methods for user authentication. In the first part are briefly described currently used protocols and pointed out thein advantages and disadvantages. The theoretical introduction analyzes the principles of zero-knowledge authentication, password-based protocols and describes the concept of a new generation hash function. The practical part describes the specific implementation of authentication protocols - Ohta-Okamoto protocol as a representative of the zero knowledge protocols and SRP (Secure Remote Password), which represents password-based protocols. In both cases, the installation procedure is described following the analysis of their implementation (at the source code level) and then compared with the transmitted data captured by Wireshark. The SRP protocol is verified by AVISPA tool. There is summary of both protocols security analysis in the conclusion.

    Design and implementation of tutorials for PLC B&R Automation

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací úloh pro PLC B&R a podrobným návodem práce v Automation Studio. Obsahuje také informace o firmě B&R Automation Ges. m. b. H. a jejích produktech. Návrh úloh probíhal ve vývojovém prostředí B&R Automation Studio. Praktická úloha na regulaci teploty byla řešena a odzkoušena na B&R PLC X20.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the design and the implementation tutorials for PLC B&R as well as the detailed instructions of work in the Automation Studio. It contains information about the company B&R Ges. m. b. H. and its products. The design tutorials have been made in the Automation Studio. The practical task has been solved and tested in B&R PLC X20.

    Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters

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    We present a new approach for generating global illumination renderings of hand-drawn characters using only a small set of simple annotations. Our system exploits the concept of bas-relief sculptures, making it possible to generate 3D proxies suitable for rendering without requiring side-views or extensive user input. We formulate an optimization process that automatically constructs approximate geometry sufficient to evoke the impression of a consistent 3D shape. The resulting renders provide the richer stylization capabilities of 3D global illumination while still retaining the 2D handdrawn look-and-feel. We demonstrate our approach on a varied set of handdrawn images and animations, showing that even in comparison to ground truth renderings of full 3D objects, our bas-relief approximation is able to produce convincing global illumination effects, including self-shadowing, glossy reflections, and diffuse color bleeding

    Mineralogy, geochemistry and classification of the new Smolenice iron meteorite from Slovakia

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    Abstract: A single 13.95 kg mass of a slightly weathered iron meteorite was found in the forest near Smolenice (48°31.2’N, 17°23.9’E; Trnava County, Slovakia). The bulk chemical composition (in wt. %) is: Fe 88.78, Ni 8.16, Co 0.38, P 0.05, S˂0.006 and (in μg/g): Ge˂0.18, Ir 1.67, Ga 1.80, Cr 87.3, Cu 135.1, As 4.52, Mo 5.82, Sn 1.53, W 0.56, Re 0.18, Ru 3.56, Rh 0.90, Pd 4.12, Pt 5.35, Au 1.19, Zn˂5, B˂0.68, Pb˂0.06. Bulk geochemistry, and Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir contents in particular suggest that the meteorite is an octahedrite belonging to the IVA group. The average thickness of kamacite lamellae is 0.22 mm, ranking it as fine octahedrite (Of). The mineral composition is simple, the most abundant minerals being iron (kamacite) (5.16–7.36 wt. % Ni) followed by taenite (16.73–33.93 wt. % Ni). Troilite nodules and daubréelite inclusions and thin veinlets are rare. The Widmanstätten pattern is uniform across the meteorite and plessite structure is developed locally. Analyses of cosmogenic radionuclides (14C and 26Al) indicate that the radius of the Smolenice meteorite could be 30±10 cm and its terrestrial age 11±2 kyr

    Sample-Averaged Biexciton Quantum Yield Measured by Solution-Phase Photon Correlation

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    The brightness of nanoscale optical materials such as semiconductor nanocrystals is currently limited in high excitation flux applications by inefficient multiexciton fluorescence. We have devised a solution-phase photon correlation measurement that can conveniently and reliably measure the average biexciton-to-exciton quantum yield ratio of an entire sample without user selection bias. This technique can be used to investigate the multiexciton recombination dynamics of a broad scope of synthetically underdeveloped materials, including those with low exciton quantum yields and poor fluorescence stability. Here, we have applied this method to measure weak biexciton fluorescence in samples of visible-emitting InP/ZnS and InAs/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals, and to demonstrate that a rapid CdS shell growth procedure can markedly increase the biexciton fluorescence of CdSe nanocrystals.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DE-FG02-07ER46454)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DE-SC0001088)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (9P41EB015871-26A1

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students